For those who prefer not to hibernate when the next blizzard hones in, snowshoeing is the perfect way to stay active and to take advantage of wintery conditions. Snowshoeing was originally developed as a practicality for ancient hunters who had no way of traveling by foot across snow without a contraption that would allow them to effectively traverse difficult terrain. Today, snowshoeing has become a winter hobby for the more adventurous nature lover who doesn’t let a little cold weather stop them from exploring.
Snowshoes come in varying sizes and shapes depending on the distance you would like to travel, and the speed with which you plan to walk or jog. There is even such a thing as snowshoe racing, where people compete against one another wearing this special footwear. Walking on snow is actually similar to walking on sand in that it requires more exertion, making this winter sport an excellent activity for weight loss and cardiovascular health.
Snowshoeing is inexpensive relative to other winter sports such as skiing and snowmobiling, and does not require much equipment. All you need are a good pair of snowshoes, boots, and some walking sticks for guidance. Shoes can cost up to 100 dollars, but rentals are readily available at many ski lodges and winter sports hubs. The most important thing to look out for while snowshoeing is thin ice, which can be very dangerous and unexpected. Other than that, snowshoeing is a very safe and low-injury activity that can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities.
What better way to experience a winter wonderland than participating in a gentle, yet fun activity that allows you to fully take in the beauty of the alpine climate. Some things to consider for your next snowshoeing adventure:
-Make sure to bring a bottle of water and some light snacks for the journey in case you need to replenish your energy.
-It’s always better to travel with a friend, so your chances of getting lost decrease, and you have an extra pair of hands in the event of an accident.
-Make sure to dress warm! Being outside in snowy weather for an extended period of time will require you to wear a lot of layers and warm clothing to insulate your body and keep you nice and toasty.
-If nature calls, be prepared with some sort of sanitary solution. The more adventurous traveler may use snow instead of toilet paper when taking care of business. This is an eco-safe way to keep your hygiene in the snowy weather. Another alternative is COMBAT WIPES, a 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly wet wipe that dissolves into the earth after use.
Don’t let a little cold weather hold you back. Get out there and enjoy the magic of winter!
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